NHMRC e-ASIA Call for Health Research 2019
Applications for the NHMRC e-ASIA Joint Research Project (JRP) Program Grants for funding in 2019 is now open in RGMS, with minimum data due on 3 April 2019. Applications close on 14 May 2019. NHMRC has committed up to $3 million to support the Australian component of projects commencing in 2019 and addressing the following health and medical issues in East Asia:
• Infectious diseases
• Antimicrobial and multi-drug resistance
• Cancer
Eligibility is dependent on the following:
• A research project must consist of Australian researchers partnering with at least two research teams from two e-ASIA participating member organisations involved in the relevant health call. They include Cambodia (MoH), Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI), Japan (AMED), Lao PDR (MoH), New Zealand (HRC), the Philippines (DOST-PCHRD), Russia (RFBR), Thailand (NSTDA and TCELS) and the US (NIAID). Please refer to Appendix A of the Guidelines for further details.
• The application must address one or more of the health research topics for this call.
i) Infectious diseases including, but not limited to, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, TB HIV/AIDS co-infection, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), dengue fever, Chikungunya fever, Zika virus, and avian and other influenza strains, as well as basic and applied research on immunology related to infectious diseases.
ii) Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and multidrug resistance (MDR) research focused on the prevention of AMR and MDR. Research in this area is expected to be cognisant of the recently updated WHO Rapid Communication: Key changes to treatment of multidrug and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis1, and any other key developments.
iii) Cancer research focused on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer in the East Asia region, including infection-associated cancer and other cancers with modifiable risk-related behaviours. NHMRC particularly welcomes cancer prevention proposals with an implementation science focus.
In principle, each participating member organisation will support its own country’s researchers in a selected research project in this joint call in accordance with each member organisation’s specific funding rules and regulations. Please see the following link for further details http://www.the-easia.org/jrp/pdf/guidelines_8th_health.pdf.
Applications specific to each participating member organisation must be completed by the Chief Investigator A (CIA) in their country. I.e. if you are partnering with organisations in Indonesia and the US, the Australian CIA must submit to NHMRC, the Indonesian CIA to RISTEKDIKTI and the US CIA to NIAID. Please also note that while NHMRC are supporting all three topics other participating countries may not be. To use the same example, if your collaborators are based in Indonesia and the US, the only eligible research topic would be infectious diseases because of limitations set by RISTEKDIKTI and NIAID. Also, RISTEKDIKTI only offers in-kind support while NHMRC and NIAID offer cash.
If you/ your colleagues are interested in this call please make contact with David Boyd (david.boyd@sydney.edu.au). A workshop is also being organised for 4-5 March 2019 in Singapore to assist researchers in developing collaborative research proposals for submission to the e-ASIA JRP health call.